High Groundwater Ordinance


In June 2001, The Jamestown Town Council directed the Planning and Conservation Commissions to review the Zoning Ordinance and consider enacting a high water table ordinance to provide local jurisdiction over development on lots where the subsurface water table is less than (3) feet.

The ordinance was adopted by Council in 2003 and amended in 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2011.16-40

Main Focus of the High Groundwater Ordinance:

  • Protect groundwater by denitrification,
    pathogen or microbiological treatment
  • Reduce Impervious surface coverage
  • Provide adequate stormwater controls
  • Protect wetlands and their buffers
  • Not to impede groundwater flow


Contact Information:

Justin Jobin 
Environmental Scientist / GIS Coordinator 
93 Narragansett Ave 
Jamestown, RI 02835 
401-423-7226 (fax)