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The Town does not offer curbside trash collection, though that service is available for a fee from private haulers. Recycling is mandatory. If you choose to contract with a private hauler contact your collector for information about the fee they charge to collect recycling.

TRANSFER STATION (1218 North Main Road)

  • Available to residents with the purchase of with a sticker provided upon proof of residency at the Transfer Station.
  • Hours: Thursday through Monday, 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM.
  • Metal items accepted in a designated container at no charge to residents. In accordance with State law, there is a charge for refrigerator disposal to cover the cost of refrigerant removal and doors must be removed.
  • Motor oil is accepted at the Igloo located at the Transfer Station.
  • Yard waste is accepted at the Transfer Station. Woody debris must be cut into lengths not exceeding three feet and bundled for ease of handling. Bagged leaves must be dumped out of the bags into the designated pile.



  • What if my recycling bin is too small?
    • Flatten the material and tie with string or place the excess in a paper bag. Maximum size is 36 inches long.
  • What if my recycling bin is lost or stolen?
    • Each household will be provided one blue bin (cans, bottles) and one green covered bin (paper).. If your bin is lost or stolen, you may buy a replacement at the Transfer Station.
  • What if I move?
    • Do not take the recycling bin with you or you will be charged for a replacement. Leave the bin for the next occupant.
  • What if I do not participate in the recycling program?
    • Recycling in Jamestown is mandatory. You could be fined $50 for not recycling.

The Town is continually searching for new and innovative ways to recycle.