Sav's "Protocol"
For readers who have asked about my personal Life Extension efforts as I approach my 73rd year on this planet, I’ve decided to share a bit, considering the results of my recent annual physical with the family doctor.

Since the release of Living Toward Everything, this website has been dedicated to keeping up on progress in the quest for human longevity by posting news from the world of life extension science.

Happily, I receive regular updates through social media that keeps me connected to those who are prominent in the field and... in the know.

During my free time I continue to expand my knowledge about happenings by watching TED talks and other video postings of interviews and presentations by those who I’ve come to know over the years and mentioned in the book.

If you have been keeping up with the postings on the website you know that there are many things happening and the research has broadened into more complex areas. You also know that there has not been a magic bullet invented yet that would be the ultimate cure for age related illnesses.

Early in 2019, I came across a mention of a book that described a viable way to approach life extension that can be embraced “now” by anyone inclined to be proactive about longevity. The book is authored by Dr. Sandra Kaufmann and is fast becoming a recommended must read among those who we’ve followed for years including... Dr. Bill Andrews who has recently welcomed Dr. Sandy (as she prefers to be called) into his research community.

After reading her book and watching several videos of her presentation on the science behind it, I decided to become proactive with my personal Life Extension efforts beyond a healthy, plant based diet and lifestyle.

The Kaufmann Protocol is the title of this exceptional work and... to my readers who appreciate how I’ve found success by adopting the Conscious Competent learning process, the format of the information was the first clue to me that Dr. Sandy gets it.

The book is divided in two parts with the first being an explanation of the biology behind the areas of cellular aging she addresses and the second explains each substance that can be used in establishing a Protocol (plan) that fits the user’s goals.

Dr. Sandy also got my attention when she used the concept of a manufacturing plant (factory) to explain the several parts of her protocol, which my readers know was the specialty(vertical) of the software company I ran for nearly two decades.

When I finished reading the Protocol, I visited her website ( and found that it was up to date and had a few additional substances not listed in the book which proved to me she was staying on top of new discoveries in her field of interest. Then I re-watched online videos of her presenting the science... which made a lot more sense after reading the book.

Yes, you probably noticed I was taking my time about deciding to commit to the idea. Then I checked my calendar and saw that my annual physical was two months away, and knowing I was going to be doing a bit more exercising to get my weight down to the previous year, I decided to give it a go.

After my doctor did the usual checking of my heart, lungs etc she turned to the lab results of my blood tests and was “ecstatic” over the improvements in all the panels. I can’t remember when I’ve ever had a physical that did not have any “need to improve” in some area... especially since I’ve entered the senior citizen level of scrutiny.

So there you have it. I’ve not only revealed my personal approach to expanding my life extension efforts but come up with a new read and possible tool (Protocol) to help my readers live longer.

2020 Update!

With more than a year of using the Protocol and getting great results at my previous annual physical, I looked forward to finding out if things had progressed.

Well, in October I returned to my Dr.'s office and received another great report on my lab work that improved over the previous year.

With the Covid situation I had added Zinc to my daily supplements for immune defense, increased my exercise program of a 2 mile walk to 6 days a week and lost a few pounds, which was all good stuff to report. All year long I was able to stay healthy with no age stress, pains or illnesses. Not even a headache. So as I turn 74... yes... I'm sticking with the Kauffman Protocol as a life extension tool.