- - - Previous posts featuring Life Extension news! - - -

12/21/19 - Gene Therapies Make it to Clinical Trials

12/25/19 - Living healthier longer is the ever-more doable goal of the healthspan research and biomedical movement

12/21/19 - The anti-aging drug that’s just around the corner

12/18/19 - Study shows changes to gene activity that occur with age can be turned back.

12/15/19 - The Secret to Aging in Reverse Revealed by Harvard Professor David Sinclair

12/8/19 - Harvard Medical School is working to make humans immune to all viruses, eliminate genetic diseases and reverse the aging process


12/2/19 - CRISPR Human Trial Results Look Promising for Safety

12/1/19 - Antibiotics eliminate senescent cells associated with ageing

11/30/19 - CRISPR: Inspired by Science and Technology

11/25/19 - Gene Therapy Clinical Trial is the World's First That Aims to Reverse 20 Years of Aging in Humans

11/23/19 - Scientists Want Around 10,000 Canine Participants for a New Project Called DAP

11/21/19 - OLDER AND WISER: New technology can benefit our aging population

11/19/19 - Breakthrough Discovery In Plants’ DNA May Lead To Slowing Aging Process In Humans

11/18/19 - Stem Cells and AI: Better Together says the National Institute of Standards & Technology

11/16/19 - WVU Rockefeller Neuroscience team first to use ultrasound to treat Alzheimer's

11/15/19 - Cell Death Processes Are Reversible

11/13/19 - Where& How in the mTOR Pathway Inhibitors Fight Aging: Rapamycin, Resveratrol, & Metformin

11/8/19 - This Scientist Believes Aging Is Optional

11/3/19 - CRISPR/Cas9 therapy can suppress aging, enhance health and extend life span in mice

10/30/19 - Nanoparticles Enhance Quercetin to Selectively Destroy Senescent Cells

10/28/19 - Machine learning's next frontier: Epigenetic drug discovery

10/25/19 - Adding 20-30 years to the average lifespan without the diseases associated with aging

10/22/19 - The First Therapy that Targets Aging is in Human Trials Now

10/18/19 - Alder bark may be great source of anti-aging and anti-disease natural antioxidants

10/14/19 - Researchers obtain the first mice born with hyper-long telomeres

10/9/19 - Engineered killer T cells could provide long-lasting immunity against cancer

10/4/19 - Fruit flies live longer with combination drug treatment

9/30/19 - Fruit fly trial unlocks clues for 'polypill' to beat aging

9/26/19 - Small Trial Reverses a Year of Alzheimer's Cognitive Decline in Just Two Months

9/22/19 - SWIFT Provides Synthetic Organ Breakthrough

9/16/19 - The Rejuvenation Now Project – Fisetin Analysis
9/12/19 - New gene therapy helps stroke patients develop new neurons

9/10/19 -  Moving toward a unified theory of aging and regeneration


9/7/19 - Discovered! Single change at telomeres controls the ability of cells to generate a complete organism

9/5/19 - Scientists Might Have Unintentionally Discovered How to Reverse Biological Ageing

8/30/19 - Scientists uncover mystery of DNA methylation

8/28/19 - Extraordinary' Breakthroughs In Anti-Aging Research 'Will Happen Faster Than People Think

8/26/19 - The 25-year-old Kiwi leading Silicon Valley's quest to halt ageing

8/23/19 - The Forever Healthy Foundation launches the Rejuvenation Now project

8/21/19 - Research reveals exactly how to reverse frailty and age gracefully

8/20/19 - In Russia! Aubrey de Grey on how science will help us end aging and become almost immortal

8/19/19 - 'Anti-aging' hormone could unlock new treatments for kidney and heart disease

8/15/19 - New hippocampal neurons continue to form in older adults, including those with MCI, Alzheimer’s

8/12/19 - Investments by Billionaires to backup efforts for increasing human longevity

8/8/19 - Good heart health at age 50 linked to lower dementia risk later in life

8/6/19 - Has this scientist finally found the fountain of youth?

8/2/19 - Can we live to 150? The Cutting-Edge Science of Human Longevity

8/2/19 - An Interview with molecular biologist Dr. Maria Blasco

8/1/19 - We are now a Step Closer to Regenerating the Aging Thymus

7/31/19 - LifeXtenShow fun video for those who ask... Can You Age Forever?

7/30/19 - New cause of cell aging discovered - Findings have huge implications

7/25/19 - David Sinclair, Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical interview on aging in Switzerland

7/20/19 - Muscle Mass Goes Downhill After 30. Can Scientists Find a Cure?

7/18/19 - Brent Nally interviews Dr. Aubrey de Grey @ SENS on July 17, 2019

7/15/19 - BBC News investigates Transhumanism: Could we live forever?

7/13/19 - Biotech Investing in Longevity Panel 2: Aubrey de Grey, Gordon Lithgow, Mike West

7/12/19 - Brent Nally interviews Liz Parrish about her telomerase & myostatin inhibitor gene therapies

7/11/19 - How to live forever: meet a few extreme life-extensionists

7/9/19 - Ira Pastor founder of Bioquark Rejuvenation Breakthroughs Against Human Aging

7/5/19 - Bladder cancer 'attacked and killed by common cold virus'

7/4/19 - New Markers For Alzheimer's Disease Could Aid Diagnosis And Speed Up Drug Development

7/1/19 - Extracellular Vesicle-Contained eNAMPT Delays Aging and Extends Lifespan in Mice

6/29/19 - Deep Aging Clocks: The Emergence of AI-Based Biomarkers of Aging and Longevity

6/24/19 - Adelaida Pall from Baxter Laboratory for Stem Cell Biology on Optimal Longevity

6/20/19 - Increasing NAD+ Levels for Longevity with Nuchido's Dr. Nichola Conlon

6/15/19 - Stem cell research could lead to treatment breakthroughs

6/11/19 - Bioinformatics: A way to deciphere DNA and cure life's deadliest diseases

6/8/19 - Lab-Grown Patch Could Repair Your Heart After a Heart Attack


6/3/19 - Telomerase Gene Therapy Ameliorates Neurodegeneration in Mice

6/1/19 - Medical Control of Aging: Not If, but When

5/31/19 - Aging Agency Releases Global Overview of Government-Led Longevity Development Initiatives


5/28/19 - A Poor Diet May Lead to Dysbiosis and Age-Related Diseases

5/23/19 - Natural “Fasting” Molecule Exerts Anti-Aging Effects to Protect Vascular System

5/20/19 - A pro longevity role for cellular senescence.

5/17/19 - Scientists 'Clear' Alzheimer's Plaque From Mice Using Only Light And Sound

5/15/19 - Is Comprehensive Damage Repair Feasible?

5/12/19 - Researchers block protein that plays a key role in Alzheimer's disease

5/7/19 - Physical and mental health of seniors linked to optimism, wisdom and loneliness

5/5/19 - Liz Parrish Video... The future looks bright and gene modulation looks even more amazing.

5/3/19 - E Life Sciences... A generalized theory of age-dependent carcinogenesis

5/1/19 - NMN Improves Cognitive Function in Aged Mice

4//29/19 - Success in first phase of human trials for colorectal cancer vaccine

4/27/19 - New cancer ‘vaccine’ helps immune system find, kill disease

4/25/19 - Drugs to prevent stroke and dementia show promise in early trial

4/23/19 - More evidence that blood tests can detect the risk of Alzheimer's

4/22/19 - ‘Longevity gene’ responsible for more efficient DNA repair

4/19/19 - Human Trial Success for Osteoarthritis Stem Cell Therapy

4/17/19 - Bubble Boys’ Cured in Medical Breakthrough Using Gene Therapy

4/15/19 - CRISPR has been used to treat US cancer patients for the first time

4/14/19 - Boosting muscle stem cells to treat muscular dystrophy and aging muscles

4/12/19 - Humans can make new brain cells into their 90s, scientists discover

4/11/19 - Could eating garlic reduce aging-related memory problems?

4/9/19 - Finally, rejuvenation is a thing! Fresh interview with Aubrey de Grey

4/8/19 - Eating Chocolate and Drinking Red Wine Could Help Prevent Aging, According to a Study

4/5/19 - Reduced blood capillaries may be a new way to diagnose early cognitive impairment

4/2/19 - Blocking protein's activity restores cognition in old mice

3/31/19 - We Can Live Forever Thanks to Technology Says Leading Anti-Aging Scientist

3/30/19 - Patient with aggressive brain cancer treated under Right to Try

3/28/19 - Massive Genome Editing Could Lead to Human Immunity to All Viruses

3/25/19 - A Step Closer to Universal Stem Cells

3/22/19 - The Life Extensionist’s Guide to Cognitive Biases

3/18/19 - Transient non-integrative nuclear reprogramming promotes multifaceted reversal of aging

3/15/19 - A biomarker in the brain's circulation system may be Alzheimer's earliest warning

3/11/19 - Chinese researchers discover Stem cells divide faster in space

3/9/19 - Elizabeth Parrish - Addressing Aging: Gene and Cell Therapy for Longer Life

3/5/19 - Alzheimer's treatment holds promise for primary progressive aphasia patients

3/1/19 - A Step Closer to Universal Stem Cells

2/28/19 - 3 Evolving Public Health Technologies in the news

2/19/19 - Gene therapy first to 'halt' most common cause of blindness

2/17/19 - More protein and fewer calories help older people lose weight safely

2/14/19 - New molecules reverse memory loss linked to depression and aging

2/13/19 -  A new drug that has infiltrated different forms of cancer in an ongoing human trial

2/12/19 - Diets consisting of fewer calories improve cell performance

2/10/19 - New Alzheimer's therapy with brain blood flow discovery?

2/9/19 - Science Daily reports on the Biological 'pillars of aging'

2/8/19 - How exercise may protect against Alzheimer's


2/4/19 - New wisdom about high cholesterol treatment for adults aged 80 and older

2/2/19 - Walking for health benefits just got easier to track

1/31/19 - Science News: Study shows fasting ramps up human metabolism

1/30/19 - Israeli Scientists Claim Multiple-Attack Drug Cures Cancer, Will Be Ready in 1 Year

1/29/19 - Scientists shed light on processes behind age-related decline in brain structures

1/28/19 - Who is at risk of Alzheimer’s Disease? Check the known factors.

1/23/19 - The Gut Microbiome of Healthy, Long-Lived People

1/20/19 - 15 misconceptions and surprising realities about dementia and Alzheimer's disease


1/7/19 - Human Pilot Study Results for Senolytics Published

1/2/19 - New Blood Test Detects Eight Different Cancers By Hunting Down Their DNA

12/31/18 - Breakthrough as Australian scientists discover a cell that can 'put melanoma tumours to sleep'

12/23/18 - More Evidence for TIGIT to Mark a Population of Harmful Immune Cells in Older People

12/21/18 - Air pollution in Mexico City is associated with the development of Alzheimer disease

12/19/18 - Group Searching for the Source of Planarians’ Regenerative Powers

12/17/18 - Human Stem Cell Trial Successful Against Age-Related Frailty

12/14/18 - Therapies that Target the Aging Processes are in Human Trials Now

12/13/18 - Rutgers New Jersey Medical School is attempting to develop a multi-gene therapeutic aging vaccine

12/12/18 - Rutgers University and BioViva Inc. join forces to create a vaccine against aging

12/10/18 - Science Daily News - Promising diagnostic tool for Alzheimer's disease

12/8/18 - What you can do to prevent Alzheimer's TED Talk

12/6/18 - Antibiotic could protect against neurodegenerative diseases during aging

12/3/18 - Scientists identify 'youth factor' in blood cells that speeds fracture repair

11/28/18 - A Review of Caloric Restriction, Fasting, and Time Restricted Feeding

11/24/18 - Scientists engineer a virus to take out cancer cells and their accomplices

11/23/18 - Senescent cells: A new Achilles’ heel to exploit for cancer medicine?

11/20/18 - Reprogrammed’ stem cells implanted into patient with Parkinson’s disease

11/19/18 - Fisetin and Curcumin Appear to Have Anti-aging Properties

11/19/18 - Scientists Have Been Given The Green Light To Resurrect The Dead

11/18/18 - Understanding the effect of molecular pathways

11/17/18 - How Japan can cope with the 100-year-life society

11/15/18 - Transdifferentiation Can Create An Endless Supply of Brain Cells—And Fast

11/13/18 - Calorie Restriction Slows Age-related Leaky Gut

11/7/18 - New gene therapy reprograms brain glial cells into neurons

11/4/18 - Video-> Science of aging and Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence

11/3/18 - WVU Rockefeller Neuroscience team first to use ultrasound to treat Alzheimer's

11/1/18 - Scientists are preparing to bring DNA-editing tools to the clinic

10/30/18 - A finding with important implications for facial rejuvenation and reconstructive procedures

10/25/18 - Treating Multiple Aging Pathways Simultaneously Extends Healthy Lifespan Of Nematodes

10/23/18 - Finally, the drug that keeps us young in trials

10/22/18 - Dr. Sam Palmer – Thymic Involution and Cancer Risk

10/21/18 - Genetic study improves lifespan predictions and scientific understanding of aging

10/20/18 - Previously Unknown Mitochondrial Gene Guards Against Dementia

10/18/18 - Genetic study improves lifespan predictions and scientific understanding of aging

10/15/18 - The Biotech Innovation That Will Transform Society Has Arrived

10/12/18 - So THAT'S The Difference Between Alzheimer's And Dementia

10/11/18 - Life Extension & Human Longevity with Dr. Aubrey de Grey on MIND & MACHINE

10/11/18 - The First Therapy that Targets Aging is in Human Trials Now

10/10/18 - Self-healing material can build itself from carbon in the air

10/10/18 - Want to live for ever? Flush out your zombie cells

10/8/18 - Dr. Aubrey De Grey on species that live hundreds of years to understand &  postpone old age

10/5/18 - Mark Zuckerberg selling $13 billion of Facebook stock to fund project to end disease!

10/4/18 - Wiping Out the Brain’s Retired Cells Prevents a Hallmark of Alzheimer's

10/3/18 - Researchers Find Human Skeletal Stem Cells for Possible treatments of fractures and osteoporosis

10/1/18 - Cancer hijacks the microbiome to glut itself on glucose

9/30/18 - What's in your DNA? Poll of older adults shows high interest

9/27/18 - Discovery Could Explain Failed Clinical Trials for Alzheimer's

9/24/18 - Robot 'caterpillar' crawls inside human body, delivers drugs

9/22/18 - Aging as a Biological Target for Prevention and Therapy

9/20/18 - Heart attack: Substitute muscle thanks to stem cells

9/16/18 - Anti-ageing drugs are coming – an expert explains what's true

9/14/18 - We can 'absolutely' create drugs that slow, halt or reverse diseases of aging

9/13/18 - Accurate and easy-to-use dementia detection system developed

9/13/18 - Longevity: killing death? Transhumanists in search of gained time

9/12/18 - Disrupting genetic processes reverses ageing in human cells

9/9/18 - We’re working on a cure for the grandest disease on the planet: biological ageing

9/7/18 - New Telomere Length Results - A 2018 Update by Liz Parrish

9/3/18 - Scientists have successfully programmed nanorobots to shrink cancerous tumors

9/1/18 - US Companies Launch CRISPR Clinical Trial

8/27/18 - Senate Spending Bill Increases Research Dollars to Combat Alzheimer’s

8/26/18 - Lancaster University Worm Study Shows How Genes Drive Aging

8/25/18 - The Current State of Aging Research - Ending Age-Related Diseases 2018

8/24/18 - New Telomere Length Results - A 2018 Update by Liz Parrish

8/23/18 - Scientists just reversed the effects of ageing in human cells

8/22/18 - Study Explains “Fountain of Youth” Effect of Young Blood on Old Mice

8/21/18 - Telomerase activation does not accelerate tumorigenesis in lung cancer

8/20/18 - How CRISPR-Cas9 Genetic Engineering Will Cure Disease, End Aging & Evolve All of Us

8/18/18 - Knowing why we age could help us learn how to live forever. Do we want to?

8/16/18 - Hack aging with the study of proteomics!

8/16/18 - 'Alarming' diabetes epidemic in Guatemala tied to aging, not obesity

8/15/18 - Why We Get Frail And How To Reverse It | Science Trends

8/15/18 - From Snake Oil to Science. How things have changed.

8/15/18  - What is telomerase and what role does it play in aging?

8/14/18 -  Dr. Aubrey de Grey - Rejuvenation is Finally an Industry | LEAF 2018

8/13/18 - Feeling young may be reflected in brain structure

8/12/18 - Is Life Extension Altruistic? by Nicola Bagalà

8/10/18 - Researchers Engineer Cancer Cells To Fight Their Own Kind

8/7/18 - Bioviva's Liz Parrish Outside article... She Wants To Live Forever

8/3/18 - Alzheimer's as the Endpoint of a Life-Long Burden of Infectious Disease

8/2/18 - New anti-cancer drugs put cancers to sleep—permanently

8/2/18 - Scientists reverse aging-associated skin wrinkles & hair loss in a mouse model

8/1/18 - Grow-your-own organs could be here within five years, as scientists prove they work in pigs

8/1/18 - New Alzheimer’s Drug Slows Memory Loss in Early Trial Results

7/31/18 - An interview with Aubrey de Grey of the SENS Research Foundation

7/30/18 - Stem Cell Therapy Restores Heart Function Up To 90% After Heart Failure

7/28/18 - Aggregate form of α-synuclein leads to cell death in Parkinson’s Disease

7/25/18 - resTORbio Announces Results in Phase 2b Human Trial

7/23/18 - Intervening on mtDNA in Mice Reverses Skin Wrinkling and Hair Loss

7/22/18 - Discovery Offers New Insights into Telomere Biology and Aging

7/20/18 - Telomere Breakthrough could impact cancer, ageing and heart disease

7/17/18 - A Novel Gene Therapy To Treat One Of The World’s Biggest Growing Chronic Disease: Dementia and Alzhiemer’s

7/15/18 - Scientist and expert Dr. Andrei Gudkov tells us what aging really is

7/14/18 - Research charity launches $330M initiative to fund high-risk life sciences projects

7/13/18 - Inhibition of mTOR Appears to Boost Aged Immune Systems

7/12/18 - New blood tests can reveal your life expectancy

7/10/18 - Artificial blood made from stem cells could save thousands of lives

7/9/18 - Gene Therapy bringing new hope to patients and families

7/8/18 - Jumping genes: Cross species transfer has driven evolution

7/7/18 - Discovery Advances Efforts to Prevent Spread of Cancer

7/6/18 - Scientists Have Created Biological Computers Inside Living Cells

7/5/18 - Chandan Sen presenting at Undoing Aging 2018

7/4/18 - Amputee Les Baugh can control these prosthetic limbs with his mind

7/3/18 - This surgical glue can seal wounds in just 60 seconds

7/2/18 - Can relativity and quantum physics help reverse aging?

7/1/18 - A View of Commercial Efforts in Organ Bioprinting and Recellularization

6/29/18 - Researchers apply computing power to track the spread of cancer

6/21/18 - Herpes viruses in the brain linked to Alzheimer’s disease

6/19/18 - Beating cancer at its own game with a Trojan horse telomerase

6/18/18 - A robot has performed eye surgery on humans for the first time

6/16/18 - Clearing Protein Aggregates Boosts Neural Stem Cell Activity

6/14/18 - Gene treatment helps rats with spinal cord injury regain their nerve

6/10/18 - How we'll become cyborgs and extend human potential

6/2/18 - "Reprogrammed" Stem Cells Approved to Mend Human Hearts in Pilot Study

6/1/18 - The New Gel That Regrows Brains from Aging Reversed

5/31/18 - Cell-like nanorobots clear bacteria and toxins from blood

5/29/18 - 3D Printed Sugar Scaffolds Could Help Grow Organs, Then Dissolve Away

5/29/18 - How CRISPR works, explained in two minutes

5/28/18 - Eight(8) Amazing CRISPR projects that could change life as we know it.

5/27/18 - The Epic Project to Record the DNA of All Life on Earth

5/26/18 - Scientists Reverse Alzheimer’s in Mice

5/25/18 - Your Life In Numbers: How Do You Use Your Time

5/24/18 - Viral Insulin Discovery Suggests Microbes Could Influence Diabetes

5/22/18 - Coalition for Radical Life Extension announces Program for RAADfest 2018

5/14/18 - Genomic Medicine: Catch The Gene Therapy Wave

5/14/18 - George Church Playing God With Our Genes

5/9/18 - Marijuana Compound Removes Toxic Alzheimer’s Protein from the Brain

5/3/18 - Video - Brian Kennedy presenting at Undoing-Aging 2018

4/29/18 - Boston researchers reverse aging in mice, study shows (NAD)

4/26/18 - The Ambitious Quest to Cure Ageing Like A Disease

4/20/18 - Insilico to present the latest developments in AI for aging biomarkers and
               age management research

4/16/18 - Five “Life Extension” Garden Vegetables To Plant In 2018

4/13/18 - For longevity, have no more than one drink a day, study says

4/11/18 - Aubrey de Grey improves solution for HadwigerNelson problem

4/4/18 - Cheating Death... The Perils of Anti-Aging Research

4/3/18 - New Life Extension and Medical Discoveries of March 2018